CATCH is delivered as a service to CCGs and public health departments on an annual subscription basis. It aims to empower Parents and Carers to feel more confident to deliver infant self-care at home and recognise when medical attention is required.

Of Cheshire East app users surveyed, 91% said they'd recommend CATCH to a relative or friend and 47% said, since downloading, they had chosen self-care instead of attending A&E.

These findings are in line with NHS Eastern Cheshire CCG's statistics for the 2016/17 winter period compared to the previous year, where 0 to 5 year old patients discharged from any A&E, with nothing but basic information and advice, had reduced by 22%.

The main benefits of CATCH from a health organisation's point of view are:

Deliver Local Strategic Priorities
Flexible platform enabling health authorities to control their content and address local priorities.
Designed by Parents and Clinicians
Easy to use and promotes regular usage by preemptively displaying relevant health information.
Easy to Setup and Maintain
Custom content is sourced and reformatted by Damibu, minimising workload required by staff.
Conforms to Information Governance
All patient identifiable information is held on the mobile device and never transmitted to the cloud.
Sub-Regional Analytics
Continuous evidence collection via surveys and usage segmented by Postal Area, Ward or LSOA.
Delivered as a Custom Service
Marketing, content, maintenance and support provided by Damibu to meet health authorities' needs.